Our Donut Sale for December will only take place in conjunction with Santa’s Fire Truck Tour on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11.
There will be NO pre-orders and NO drive-thru at the Firehouse that day.
Santa will begin his tour at 9 am on Saturday, December 11 and will travel by fire truck throughout Kimberton Fire Co.’s “first due” district. This includes, in whole or in part: Charlestown, East Pikeland, East Vincent, West Pikeland and West Vincent townships.
If Kimberton Fire Co. covers the area where you live, then look for Santa passing through your neighborhood on Saturday Dec 11. Just listen for the siren on his fire truck sleigh!
The volunteer Elves will be following the Santa’s Sleigh selling Donuts in 3 varieties – white powder, cinnamon sugar and plain.
Donuts will only be sold in dozens.
Prices are $8/dozen.
On behalf of all our Donuteers, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday, and a blessed new year! Thank you for your support in 2021.